Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Paw Print Vase and Rainbow Potion

How's your day going in Jamaa?
Today, Animal Jam has released a new item, though some people say it's an old one that has come back for sale! It's the Paw Print Vase!

This vase is a member item costing 300 gems. You can buy it in Jam Mart Furniture, which is off to the top right in Jamaa Township.
Lastly, Animal Jam has been advertising the "Rainbow Potion" in "Brady Barr's Lab".

It's sort of an Animal Jam secret... we all know about "Brady Barr's Lab", right? The lab can be found in "The Lost Temple of Zios". In the lab, you can make a "Potion" through the "Chemistry Set" by clicking on the game symbol labeled, "Brady's Chemistry Set". Most of you probably already know this, but you may have seen some Jammers with a "Rainbow Potion".

This type of potion changes color and comes in a different type of vase than the usual potions you can make at the lab. To make this potion, look at the picture below.

This is the "Chemistry Set". I circled the places that you're going to need to click. The red potion, to the left, will need to be clicked 3 times. The green potion, next to the red one, will also need to be clicked 3 times. Next, the blue potion, to the right of the green one, will ALSO have to be clicked 3 times. Then, click the fire underneath the mixture 3 times. Lastly, click the potion mixture 1 time. Then you're done! When the "Chemistry Set" closes, a rainbow potion will pop up near you!
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial! Keep Jamming!

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