Sorry this is so late, Jammers! I've been really busy! But here's everything new!
First, the "Skinny Paw Print Vase"! It's a skinnier and taller version of the new "Paw Print Vase". Check it out!
First, the "Skinny Paw Print Vase"! It's a skinnier and taller version of the new "Paw Print Vase". Check it out!
It's a member item for 300 gems. You can buy it in "Jam Mart Furniture", to the upper right of "Jamaa Township". I love the paw prints, but, sadly, you can't change the color. Good thing I like purple!
Next up is also a new den item! It's the "Sand Palace"!
This is an underwater member den item, located at "Sunken Treasures" in "Kani Cove". It's 500 gems, but, like the "Skinny Paw Print Vase", you can't change the color. It kind of reminds me of the Taj Mahal or the palace in "Aladdin"! I might be using this in my "Sunken Ship" underwater den!
Today's new item is FINALLY nonmember! If you're not a member, get excited! It's located at the top of the "Epic Wonders" shop in "Coral Canyons"!
I always love a new nonmember item in "Epic Wonders". It's just so...epic! This is a "Silver Ring", costing 1,500 gems. And boys, just so you know, it sparkles!
Moving on! I've tested a glitch in "Tierney's Aquarium" at "Crystal Sands". I call it the "Tierney's Pool Glitch".
We all know about the "Touch Pool" in "Tierney's Aquarium", nut there's another pool there too! This pool can take you to "Kani Cove". You can't step ON the pool though, and this easy glitch lets you do just that!
First, stand near the pool.
Then, switch animals.
Before you finish switch animals, click and drag your animal onto the center of the pool. You'll be able to stand ON the pool without going to "Kani Cove"!
I know this post is long, Jammers, but keep reading! You'll want to know all of this!
Animal Jam is finally releasing an app! It's called "Tunnel Town"!
July 18th! Be sure to get it or get your parents to download it! It's completely free, which is awesome! I know it's only bunnies, but maybe Animal Jam will release some more apps with other animal varieties. Find out more here.
Turns out, Animal Jam DOES know about some of our glitches. There was a post on "The Daily Explorer", Animal Jam's official blog, that convinced me that if the glitch wasn't harmful, Animal Jam would leave it! They do want you to report any bad glitches, though.
If you read "Jamaa Journal", Animal Jam's newspaper, you would know that Cosmo, the Koala alpha, went out in search of a new land! Apparently, he will return soon with BIG NEWS! I was looking at the "Activities Calendar", and it looks like he will be back on JULY 26TH! Be ready, Jammers! Where do YOU think the new land will be?
Lastly, the "Training Grounds" amd the "Return of the Phantoms" adventure has been opened to ALL Jammers! That's right, nonmembers! Come and work together to stop the phantoms!
And all you members out there, get ready! There's a new BETA adventure to play called "The Phantom Portal"!
I might make a post showing what you do in these adventures, where the treasure is hidden, the prizes you can get at the end, and things like that so stay tuned!
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